01 May BackPage Horror Stories
Scary Stories
We have heard a lot of horror stories this year from clients who tried BackPage. Very scary stuff. You must be a little more proactive when calling someone from there. First, ask her if the price she quoted you is the total price you will be charged for everything. Second, ask her for how long that is for. A good idea to ask her those two questions again when she arrives. Just in case she was not the one you talked to on the phone. Don’t bother asking if that picture is really her.
You Have the Right
You have the right to turn anyone away. A cancellation fee is nice. But if her picture is of Cindy Crawford and a loony, fat Bellatrix LeStrange shows up. Just get her out. Do not be intimidated by her threat of the guy outside. You have a cell phone. Dial 911 and get ready to send. It usually works. Only once did we hear of someone who had to call hotel security to remove the person from his room. The girl who arrived was a transvestite. The gentleman just wanted a girl.
Where’s My Rolex?
Most problems are caused when a girl steals something from the location. For goodness sake, if you own a Rolex, please hide it. All hotels have safes. And you have plenty of hiding places in your home. Do not let her wander around by herself. Most of the stories we hear about are theft related. If you are going to leave a wallet stuffed with cash laying about your asking for it.
Help Others
You have little recourse for bad service or something missing you didn’t notice right away. But you can help others not to be caught up by this person. Take a screenshot of her escort ad and save it on your computer. If she gives you any trouble, you can post your comments under the heading and let everyone know of her bogus activities. Attach her ad to your post. Usually, she will just change her name, get another fake pic and a different disposable phone. But you might save someone else before she does that.
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