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Dorm Girls Chicago Escorts

ESCORTS CHICAGO LOVE THE FALL - Dorm Girls Chicago Escorts


It’s fall in Chicago. All of us escort girls love when the weather starts to cool off and the leaves start to turn. The city starts to get really busy again. All the ball teams have games and every weekend the city goes crazy.

These past few weeks have been nutty as the guys are partying hard. I am getting calls for dates early in the day, pre-booking for later that evening. All our pretty escorts have been on full staff and loving all the attention. This week was real interesting as I ran into timing problems several times. It seems you guys are out partying and are calling me pushing appointments back an hour or so. If I have enough notice I don’t mind. My Chicago escorts are pretty good about it as well, as long as they have notice.

I did have 2 young guys in from Louisiana who were partying like maniacs! They started drinking in the early afternoon and by the time 9pm came around they had a lot to drink. They went off to the Cubs game and you know how that goes. The entire stadium is on a party high! I had these 2 guys scheduled for 10:30. When they called me at 9:30 I had a feeling the liquor was flowing. I actually sent them to their rooms to chill for a bit. I will not book anyone who is intoxicated. So I had them rest up. They called me mom! My 2 escorts who were dating them that night thanked me. By the time the girls arrived they told me the guys were for sure better. But the party continued and the girls had a great time. They went out for Chicago’s famous deep dish pizza.

Oh, and they had more cocktails. My 2 lovely brunette escorts were really good sports and the group had a blast that evening. It was a few-hour date and the guys were ready for bed by 1am.

Fall is a super time in Chicago. The weather is perfect. January and February can get cold while sitting in a stadium on the lake! All the Chicago hotels have been booked, but this city runs like a clock. The lake has a great breeze and it makes us all feel alive.

Ok, so check me out next week. I know I will have a few more fun stories to share with you.

Keep calm and stay warm,

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