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Dorm Girls Chicago Escorts

Chicago Escorts On The Run

So this was a really busy week here in Chicago. There was a doctor’s convention in town and we were all busy entertaining the doctors. They came from all over the United States and Canada. We had a few from Toronto, California and Miami who were extremely happy to start the party the second the convention ended.

One group of doctors had a big suite in probably the best hotel in Chicago. The escorts were so happy to see how big the bath tubs were. The suite had three bedrooms, a living room, dining room, and full time staff. I can’t go into too many details but the party lasted till very very late. Food, liquor and the girls favorite- champagne was unlimited. Our girls were super happy to send the evening there.

The guys were most charming and in great moods. From what I was told the party was great and a real treat for everyone. Here is the most amazing part for me. I had to book 4 of our best Chicago Escorts and have them all meet in the suite at the same time. Unbelievable to me, they were all on time and in great moods and ready to party. It was the easiest booking I ever arranged and I guess all the stars were aligned in Chicago that evening. The down side for me was I was up really late and very tired the next day. However, I got live vicariously through the girls!  LOL

We had another really nice client who was never in Chicago before, so we had one of our wonderful ladies here at Escorts Chicago take him around town. They visited the museum which is a fantastic place to go. It really is one of the best in the country and he really enjoyed himself. For lunch they visited the top of the Hancock building.  The view up there is so pretty and on a clear day you see very far. It’s funny when you look west all the suburbs look very flat.  If you have never been there you should go, the client had a great time and our escort loved it. Their date lasted a few hours and they had an early dinner on Rush Street.  It all worked out perfectly for all, as usual.

I think now the nice weather is finally hitting us, Escorts Chicago will continue to be busy so I am suggesting that if you can book in advance with us please do. Even if you can call in the early afternoon for a date later that evening will always help you get the lady of your choice.  Plus, we love to have a day or two notice as well.

Till next week, take care and God bless,


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