13 Apr Book Chicago Escorts In Advance
I cannot stress enough to all you guys – if you want a particular Chicago Escort, then please call me or email me in advance. Here at Escorts Chicago we have over 20 beautiful, high-end ladies working with us. Not all escorts work on a daily basis. On any given day we have at least 10 Chicago escorts working day and night with us. Some work early and some girls work late, as we are open until 4am daily.
Just so you all know, I start answering the phones at 10am, and usually by noon the girls are ready to move. The afternoons are quiet so not as many escorts are working. After 6pm is when things really start to heat up around Escorts Chicago. It’s a 50-50 chance that during the day you will get your first choice of escort, but rest assured, all of our girls are great, so you’ll never be unhappy.
Like I tell everyone, give me a day, just one day notice and I will deliver your first choice to you. If you give me a few hours I can sometimes make that happen also. Every day is different and these girls are not “Career” escorts. All the girls here are working toward big things. Some are students, some are taking classes, and we have a nursing student and a print model. Most are trying to stash as much money as possible so they can pursue their dreams. A few girls already own their own places here in Chicago and one girl is an interior designer who is renovating her first home.
This is great for them and I encourage all the girls not to spend their money on handbags and clothes. Believe me, every woman no matter what her profession loves to shop and most are obsessed with clothes, shoes, or handbags, or all of them.
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