10 Oct The Right Things To Say To A Beautiful Woman
Some Hints From The Beautiful Escorts in Chicago
In trouble with your woman? Never say the right things? Foot usually in your mouth? She goes home alone when you want to be with her?
Have you tried the magic words? Get her to put that heavy object down she is about to fling at you. Nut up boys. These words are hard. And I am not sure they have ever been said. Be the first.
“Just tell me everything”
Showstopper. Wow. Now of course when she starts to tell you everything. You must and I repeat must listen. Pay attention. Here is the wonder of this. She will start getting it all out. You might not be able to discuss everything right away. But its out there and she feels much better. And you get to live for another day.
“Wow, you are just so beautiful”
You must be sincere. This is to be used in place of ” I Love You.” And for goodness sake use it at the right time. When she is in front of you with her makeup all over her face, hair plastered to her head and sweaty from running 5 blocks to your house in the rain. Cool it. Wait till the time is right. Be spontaneous as well.
“Sorry, it was my fault”
The universal get-out-of-jail-free comment. Practice in front of the mirror. As I said, I do not believe any male has said this sincerely in 100 years. There is nothing hotter than a man who can admit he was wrong. You are doing this because you love her. And, as with any good thing, do not over-use it.
I have talked to lots of escorts and they all agree on these.
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