The gentleman waits for the escort to arrive and opens the door immediately, so she doesn’t have to stand out in the hall, or at the front door and wait. If he is in his house, he has turned on all the outside lights so she can see the address. It is also good not to trip on the way to the door. All are characteristics of the best escort agency client.
He has his ID and donation and out for her to look at when she arrives. Always better to get the business out of the way so everyone can relax and get comfortable.
He offers a beverage – a soft drink, bottled water, beer, wine, or cocktail. He graciously accepts a ‘no’ when it is given, especially about her choice of beverage – drunk driving is not to be taken lightly.
The best escort agency client makes sure that his home, or hotel room, is tidy before she arrives. No one wants to sit around in a dirty house or hotel room. Old and used towels and bed linens are unpleasant artifacts in an otherwise delightful evening together.
He has already showered when she arrives. No matter how buff you are, no one likes a sweaty and smelly man. Except for that guy on the TV commercial who is buff and dripping with sweat. Remember, that is a visual image sans unpleasant odors.
He has brushed his teeth and rinsed his mouth right before her arrival. The super ideal date has forgone onions and garlic on the day of his appointment.
Quite a few of the girls have noted on their bio page that a gentleman turns them on.
A dream date respects the escort’s privacy and does not ask for her phone number. She is working for an agency, or service, to keep her privacy. Not to mention convenience and scheduling.
Our perfect man is always alone at the location the lady is visiting. Safety is an even bigger issue for the girls than privacy
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