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Dorm Girls Chicago Escorts

Are you prepared for a Zombie Apocalypse? LET’S KEEP IT SIMPLE Know your Zombie. Plan Prepare Knowing the zombies helps in defending yourself and getting rid of them. Are they the old fashioned zombies from “Night of the Living Dead”? – slow and just eventually die out...

RTS NEED A BREAK Posted at 19:21h in Blog by Laura Ciccone  0Likes I would like to talk this week about the life schedules of Chicago Escorts and our schedules here.  At Escorts Chicago we close on Christmas, New Years Day, Easter, July 4, and Thanksgiving. So this means we are open 360 days.  This...

I cannot stress enough to all you guys – if you want a particular Chicago Escort, then please call me or email me in advance. Here at Escorts Chicago we have over 20 beautiful, high-end ladies working with us. Not all escorts work on a daily basis....

So this was a really busy week here in Chicago. There was a doctor’s convention in town and we were all busy entertaining the doctors. They came from all over the United States and Canada. We had a few from Toronto, California and Miami who...