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Dorm Girls Chicago Escorts

  • SOME HINTS FROM THE BEAUTIFUL ESCORTS IN CHICAGO In trouble with your woman? Never say the right things? Foot usually in your mouth? She goes home alone when you want to be with her? Have you tried the magic words? Get her to put that......

  • Your skin is the largest organ you have. It not only serves as a protective layer against the elements but also breathes and perspires to provide overall temperature control for your body. More importantly, however, your skin often reveals a great deal about your general......

  • FITNESS MYTH NO. 1: Running on a treadmill is better for you because it puts less stress on your joints than running in the street. NO. Running is running and the impact is from the weight you are putting on that joint. The best way......

  • DREAM DATE OR THE PERFECT ESCORT AGENCY CLIENT Is waiting for the escort to arrive and opens the door immediately, so she does not have to stand out in the hall or at the front door and wait. Had ID and payment ready and out for......

  • SCARY STORIES We have heard a lot of horror stories this year from clients who tried BackPage. Very scary stuff. You must be a little more proactive when calling someone from there. First, ask her if the price she quoted you is the total price......

  • DANDRUFF A REAL PROBLEM Everyone hates dandruff. It is annoying and unsightly. If you love to wear dark colors it has you brushing your shoulders all the time. There are several causes of dandruff dry skin, fungus, and yeast all increase the flake production on......

  • Escort in Chicago take on       Conspiracy Theories   I just read an article prompted by the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy. The author said it was time to not only abandon that particular conspiracy theory but end them all together. No!......

  • One call does it all. You do not have to sort through hundreds of ads. Try and figure out who is working when. And then make lots and lots of phone calls to find someone who is answering their phone. Try and figure out whose......

  • 15 FAVORITE SAYINGS I asked the girls at our Chicago Escort Service to give us some of their favorite sayings. Some of these are definitely tee-shirt and bumper sticker worthy. At first, I wanted to put the names of the girls next to the saying. But......

  • We’re all familiar with how hard it is to exercise regularly – especially getting started again after stopping for a while. And you no doubt heard that your fitness level is significant factor in your sex life. And knowing how good it is for you......

  • 5 REASONS HIGH-CLASS ESCORT RATES ARE HIGHER THAN OTHER ESCORTS IS IT WORTH IT? Level of Service is one of the most important factors. An Escort who is not in this category will start quickly and you will know it – from the moment you meet. She......

  • Are you prepared for a Zombie Apocalypse? LET’S KEEP IT SIMPLE Know your Zombie. Plan Prepare Knowing the zombies helps in defending yourself and getting rid of them. Are they the old fashioned zombies from “Night of the Living Dead”? – slow and just eventually......

  • Well, here at Escorts Chicago, I get a lot of phone calls and emails from guys looking to make dates with my beautiful escorts.  Some guys will call and they tell me  “have the girl here is 20 minutes” !  Are you kidding me?  I......

  • Grandma and Aunt Bertha are coming to stay for the weekend. You are not the type of guy who has a cleaning routine. If it’s Monday I must dust. You do not spend Saturday vacuuming your place. The best thing to do is of course......

  • CALL GIRLS AND CASH Oh lord help me when I have to deal with clients who can’t decide how to pay, cash or credit card.  I pretty much hear everything.  It seems the guys who are so crazed about discretion, usually end up paying with......